Missionary Day

Missionary Day: Thursday, July 17, 2025: Special observances and missionary speakers at all services throughout the camp. The main Missionary Service is at 7:30 pm in the Main Tabernacle.

Our 2025 Missionaries

To be announced.

Our Tradition of Missionary Day

missionarykidsA hallmark of Indian Springs Holiness Camp Meeting has been its involvement with missionaries committed to the understanding and application of Scriptural Holiness. It has been our tradition to support and feature missionaries serving with World Gospel Mission one year and One Mission Society the next year.

Missionary Day has always had a special focus within the life of the camp. Throughout the day, all services in the Main Tabernacle have brief interviews with various members of our missionary families. In addition, one of the adults visits the Children’s, the Tweens’ and Youth programs in order to share the missionary experience with all ages on the camp ground.

Missionary Day ends in a deeply meaningful missionary message followed by a special offering. 

Please keep our missionary families in your prayers for their ministries, their financial support and their safety.