In 2015, an invitation was extended to several northern churches and camp meetings to attend the annual Ladies’ Fellowship Spring Retreat at Indian Springs. Peggy Jo Stamper accepted the invitation and arrived on the campground, not sure what to expect.
In her earlier years, Peggy Jo had attended a camp meeting through her Nazarene Church in Indiana. Sadly, the camp was sold when she was younger. She was intrigued to learn about Indian Springs and was delighted to find a camp meeting that was flourishing. She experienced true fellowship and camaraderie with other retreat guests.
Returning from the retreat, she told her husband that they had to come to Indian Springs that summer! Their first year at Indian Springs was 2015 – the year of our 125th Celebration. It was a wonderful time to learn Indian Springs’ history, past and present. Since then, she and her husband have returned to Indian Springs sometimes bringing a friend or their grandson. Their grandson has become friends with another child on the campground and is involved with the children’s ministry.
Peggy Jo says, “From the first time we came to Indian Springs, I felt a part of the camp meeting because so many people instantly extended friendliness and love.”
Peggy Jo and her husband Don have three adult children and seven grandchildren. They live in Cedar Lake, Indiana.