The weekend of April 27 -29, 2018, more than 80 women came to the campground for the annual Spring Retreat. The theme was “Filled with all the Fullness of God”. Key speakers were Joanna Coppedge and Katy Beth Searls.
Both women have an extensive missions perspective. Joanna has served in Uganda and Katy Beth has served in Hungary. In addition to these key speakers, on Saturday morning, other women who had expertise in missions also spoke: Rhonda Holton and Lizel Peterson spoke on behalf of The Lizzie Project in Honduras; Fiona Richardson spoke on behalf of a ministry in Tanzania.
Worship leadership was from the Powder Springs Worship Group. A men’s group from Powder Springs graciously prepared and served two meals for the retreat. A highlight of the retreat is being on the campground at the time of year when it is in the fullness of Springtime. Several cottage-holders opened their cottages to retreat guests. This provided the opportunity for guests to experience camp in a friendly and welcoming environment.
See all information regarding the various activities of The Ladies’ Fellowship. All women of the campground are welcome to be involved!