Many people have remarked that the campground is “unusually beautiful” this year.
It’s true! Take note of the 100 crepe myrtle trees that line the highway. You will see these colorful trees coming into blooming maturity after almost eight years of tender care. The row of crepe myrtles is the work of several people; however, they have flourished through the watchful care of Trustee, Dr. Amanda Hutcherson.
Dr. Hutcherson had a vision of campground beautification when she came onto the Indian Springs Board of Trustees in 2005. Over several years, she contracted with local landscapers to plant trees to soften the roadway fence. Several other areas on the campground now have flowers or shrubbery for seasonal color (at the Front Entrance, by the Hotel and at the Harris Memorial Center). Funds for planting came from several sources, but primarily through the Legacy Lady Project. Winky Carlock, our Caretaker, has also been instrumental in the landscaping as well as volunteer “water-ers”, the grandchildren of Martha Cox, who often watered the trees – one bucket at a time – to earn money while on the campground!
Each year, a variety of flower pots encircle a large tree by the Memorial Benches, close to the Main Tabernacle. These plants are placed by Miss Barbara Sims, in loving memory of her father, former Trustee, Roy Sims.
Another source of beauty is the unique grouping of flowers and foliage at the podium under the Main Tabernacle. Each year, Mary Jean Banter creates a worshipful collection of plants that enhance the platform area. Mary Jean selected a tasteful variety of sunflowers, ferns, coleus and cattail grasses for this grouping of plants. The altar plants are a ministry of The Ladies Fellowship.
Seasonal plants at the altar have been a tradition of the Ladies Fellowship (Auxiliary) for over 70 years!