Cottages needed for Spring Retreat

Ladies’ Fellowship needs cottages and hostesses for our Spring Retreat (April 29 – May 1, 2022)!  Can you help us? Our guests (over 100 expected) love the experience of staying in our cottages!  The fellowship and friendships that come from these times...

Building Cottages…

Indian Springs continues to grow. Each summer, the demand for housing increases as families grow and want to experience camp meeting together. The Board of Trustees has been looking for solutions for housing for families. The Board has identified Joe Peterson as a...

Meet our new Trustees

The Indian Springs Board of Trustees is made up of different generations who provide wise leadership and godly perspective. They have a cross-section of professional skills needed to steward our campground. During our 2021 camp meeting, the Board elected three...
Taking a Stand for Missions

Taking a Stand for Missions

In mid June, Mercy Tanner started fund raising for Indian Springs missions with a lemonade stand. In addition, she organized and put on a garage sale. The proceeds for both entrepreneurial endeavors brought in $211.15 for missions. “The teachings of the Campground are...
Marcia Pavey Honored at Camp

Marcia Pavey Honored at Camp

On Saturday night, July 16, 2016, the entire Main Tabernacle stood and cheered to honor Marcia Pavey for her anointed leadership of the Nursery and Bible Porch ministries.  For 32 years, Marcia managed Indian Springs’ effective program for Infants and Children. Each...

Finding a Sense of Community by Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse

…We could hear the growing excitement in his voice as James, our 12-year old grandson, asked us to slow down so he could take a picture of the entrance of Indian Springs Holiness Camp Meeting in Flovilla, Georgia.  His granddad, not quite keyed into what was...